Frostey's Mind Unplugged

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Compact Disks, Designs, and Memorial Day

Wow, it was raining like it does in Seattle every day!
So, I have found many things on the ground when I'm walking in the rain; broken AOL Compact Disks, abandoned Compact Disks, anilids, badly done pictures. This didn't only happen when there was that Noreaster. I have seen anilids out of the ground quite a few times while it was raining.
Anyway, I have been creating some designs. I have created some design for this friend of mine, and made a Birthday card for my whale-loving, Tibet-loving, poker-loving Mum.

Sometimes on holidays, whether it's Norway Day or Memorial Day, I don't feel safe for no good reason; usually it's because I have trouble picking presents, the holiday that the people are worshipping is incredibly religious*, or no reason at all. On Friday, I was scared about Memorial Day. It is important to my own country, but if there was no concept of war, then it wouldn't happen. Talking of Memorial Day, on Friday, we had to watch this performance about Memorial Day; one very silly thing that happened was that when this man was reading his script, "...And these soldiers, as shown behind me," it turned out that the picture of the soldiers was actually to his left. Go figure.

-Eben "Frostey"

*for some reason, I feel scared when I get into a religious situation.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Man W/ Glasses Action Figure w/ unbeleivable running-away-from-conversation action!!! Only 27£/$/€/ whatever your currency system is!!!

God morgen.* I have acheived breakfast along with an iced tea! Sorry I didn't update on the usual Saturday.

So, to start the day off, I went that bagel place I usually go to on the weekend. When I was looking for a seat inside the place, I was having trouble looking for a seat. At some point I found a seat to eat by bagel at, only to find out that some man had already taken the seat.
"Well, it's okey if I share a seat with you," I told him; "Though, there's that large space for the newspaper, my bagel, my drink..." He moved to another table before I finished. Üff Då**.

-Eben "Frostey"

*God morgen means, "Good Morning," in Norwegian.
**"Üff Då," means, "oops," in Norwegian.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Norway Day? Not yet!

'Allo! I first thought today was Norway Day, but I was wrong; it was on the 17th of MayZ...I mean May! Auch, early morning typoes.
So, I've been having alot of animation projects - all of which I wroittem - I mean, written - including:

  • The Major Police Man: Episode 1
  • The first 3 episodes of Noids, a cartoon short series inspired by white-board drawings by a friend of mine
  • Canada Day cartoon
  • Polka Dots
  • A few things I can't mention yet

I have been trouble deciding which one to work on first, but I have made up my mind.

So, I've been watching some comédies and, somehow-someway, have been getting bad inspirations from them. Most of these I don't mean to do.

Cya! I have a party to be at!

-Eben "Frostey"

Thursday, May 05, 2005


¡Buenas tardes! Como esta? ¡Felies Cinco De mayonnaise! Wait, hold on, I mean, ¡Felies Cinco De Mayo! Darnit.

I don't like to hurt members of the Animal Kingdom including humans like myself, but, unfortunately, I am very scared of small creatures; now, I'm not saying that I wouldn't help them out, but I would like to help them, but I usually don't know of any ways to help the small creature. I have encountered this problem a few times. One time was when I was walking home from school and saw a very small turtle.
The way he hid in his shell -after my shadow came crawling on him- was an aeroplane, alright (I was talking metaphorically!). When he was still walking, he was heading towards the road; I was very worried about this, but I didn't know what to do. So, I just left, but then I came back when I called mother on my cell phone, asking what to do if I see a turtle walking on the sidewalk. So, I came back and he wasn't there.
I hope that, I didn't step on him, he didn't get run over by a car, ect. ect.; however, I can check to see if he's on my shoe, though. *looks at bottom of shoe* Whew, he isn't on the bottom of my shoe; I still hope he's not dead yet.

Dedicated to that turtle that is, hopefully, not dead.

-Eben "Frostey"

"You will step on the soil of many

-My Fortune Cookie Fortune