On the current Gregorian calendar

I tried to tell this to many people, but most of them, even the most liberal, didn't accept it. Of course, even the addition to Leap Day was difficult, too.
-Eben «Frostey»/ Ħōlĕbĭn
Well, I did all of those. =-3 In fact, I pretty much miss Switzerland! Oh well. Kapüt. I might go to Montréal for more French practice and skiïng, anyway; but there's still no glamourus chocolat in Canada, I don't think. =-Є
So, darnot, it's the new year 2006 and it doesen't feel exciting. =-Þ However, for a new years treat, not only did I translate more cartoon films into French with my new skills, but I made two films. A new year's one: here, and a Noids 3: here. Also, I got a new section: fonts!
And now, for no reason, I shall type all the symbols on a Canadian French Keyboard: ¨^ÄäÂâÜüÛûÏïÎîÖöÔôËëÊêŜŝĈĉĜĝĤĥĴĵŴŵŸÿŶŷÉéÈèÇçÀà. Stranĝly enough, they forgot: ŒœÙù°«»
-Eben "Frosté"/ Ħōlĕbĭn