Frostey's Mind Unplugged

Thursday, August 04, 2005

On _% milk.

Hi. I just saw The Life of Python. Brilliant film.
Recently, I found out that, on a container of Garelic Milk (which is not organic, by the way) that now there is 5 Percent milk! I am horrified (not really) by this.
Can't we just have ½-fat, Skim, and 100% whole milk? I mean, who the bloody pizza would want to buy 0.000040018% milk?
"Wow, you're getting quite thin! Why drink 0.000040010% milk when you could buy 0.000040018% milk?"
"Wow, mom, you're right!"
Lame-o. My mother still goes for 3% milk.
Anyway, I have this new Flash film. Here's the link: here.
-Eben "Frostey"


  • That's a BRILLIANT movie, Frostey!! I love your transitions... how did you do that? At first, I thought the man on the bench was going to turn into a baseball...


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:57 AM  

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