Arg! This is my Thiftey-toof post!
So, recently I have been getting a feeling of Uff då...I mean Déjà vu (I think I recall making this mistake before on my blog before before before before-whopps! There I go again!). Come to think of it, Déjà vu is a kind of Uff då.
So, just recently, William, the person who made up the "mmm...donots..." joke, argued with me about the Dutch and the Nederlanders (both the same people). I said that the Dutch (I hate saying that word!) should be called the Netherlanders, because the word, "Dutch," has nothing to do with The Netherlands.
William said that the Dutch (Nederlanders, or Germans?) should be called what they are in English because, "this is English, not Norwegian! [He thinks every thing I say is in Norwegian]"
At some point, Will said, "Oh, well, the Dutch should be called the Nederlanders, just like the Chinese should be called Chinalanders!"
Anyway, a new flash film will be on it's way, but while that, I got the 2nd episode of Noids™!(link) Enjoy!
-Eben "Frostey"
AY, Ay aay... That is too funny. Perhaps we should ask someone Nederlandish what they think?
Anonymous, at 9:14 AM
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