Frostey's Mind Unplugged

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Almost Not Summer!!

On Sept. 2nd, 2006...

Yozap! I got my golf cart ride! Yey! I also finished reading my DA-press'n read'n book! Yee-eey!

ON Wednsday, Sept. 6th, 2006...

Hello. Wow, it's almost the school year. One day away! I already got some headaches from reading and focusing pills. Heh, I guess I'm going to end up not posting all those blog posts ideas I think up as I'm walking to school and back this year -- UH-gain.
This will be my first year in high school! I'm very excited. Of course, I will have to get those reading head,-tooth-and-neck-aches again. That's an annoying part.

Besides this:
  • I have made some great corn chowder -- one of my favorite foods! -- for Breakfast,
  • Failed to get more of that Halloween live action comedy to get finished,
  • Realized how many simple flash projects I got unfinished,
  • Updated my webpage with MUSIC!!!
  • Found out that constantly more-and-more Japanese speakers are viewing my wepage,
  • And other boring bruh I have been doing on the most of this very late part of Summer: reading, viewing too many YTMNDs, walking the dog, and failing to get satisfactory exercize -- I'm 14 pounds overweight (164 lb. as opposed to 150 lb.)

Well, soon, Arlington's* "legal summer," as I like to call it, is coming to a close tommarrow. I won't be able to see some of my newer friends. Will is going to "NuJew" (New Jewish High School) and many others are staying at the Middle School.

Anyway, maybe I could be working on one 'o them animation projects right now! Ciao!

-Eben "Froastly"

*Arlington, MA, U.S. -- That's the town I live in. It's fairly big, but I still can't tell you my other stuff like the suber-specific region of it. Sorry. :P


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