Happy H'ween!!
Y'know, I think I need a slightly different penname than "Frostey." Just look "frostey" or "frosté" up on google. Sure, definatly get my webpage on the top of the list for "frostey," but other refrences to me and my material are very much scattered throughout the search; in fact, no one has ever typed anything about my Bloater cartoon. "Froste" on google gets me pretty much nothin'. I've been deciding over this for a bit. I've made up a few names already:
- Tonsieur Frosté
- Frosti Frites
- Frostey the Trillionth
- Singin' & Dancin' (S&D) Frostey *My favoritest!*
- Frostey Fritters
- Frosteyneko *already used in a few of my S.N.s*
- What The Frostey?
- Frosteypie
- Frosté-Burn'n
-Singin' & Dancin' Frostey
you are awesome. :)
i hope you had a happy thanksgiving.
Anonymous, at 12:58 AM
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