Frostey's Mind Unplugged

Thursday, April 14, 2005

You know, soon my family and I are going to Montana on April Vacation and I just thought that it will be a hard thing to talk about politics to those maybe-republicans, but if I do find out that they don't aggree with my thoughts, I won't hate them.
I would never hate anyone, really now then; I would only be saying that I think it's what they do is -in my opinion- wrong, not themselves; however, if you already knew about quakerism, then you shouldn't have read this post, because what I said was exactly one of the things that quakers believe.

So, I have this flash movie I will publish very soon after I put in the subtitles; of course, I shouldn't show it to a Montanian Republican or else he/ she would get mad at me (it's a very simple political cartoon); however, I've met several republicans and they weren't offended easily; however, this is only stereotyping. Oh well.

-Eben "Frostey"


  • Hi Eban, this is Don! Your dad visited me in Berkeley and showed me your great blog and all the work you've done in Flash. You've made some amazing stuff! The animated mouths when they are talking are excellent (I especially like Swedish Fish)! That must take a lot of work with sound and animation, to make it so perfect.

    I know some republicans, and it takes a lot of work to insult them. Keep trying and don't give up: you can offend them eventually if you keep working at it really hard. Sometimes it just takes a while to get through to them.

    I like to get my news from the Daily Show on the comedy channel, because John Stewart is very funny and sarcastic when he interviews people. Some of his republican guests don't even know he's insulting them, and they take his jokes as complements. He pretends to agree with them, and that makes them look really dumb! But he is always very polite about it.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:34 AM  

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